Technology Voucher Programme
Increase Productivity by Upgrading and Transforming Business Operation Process with Technology
Technology Voucher Programme (TVP)
Launched in November 2016, TVP aims to support local enterprises/organisations in using technological services and solutions to improve productivity, or upgrade or transform their business processes. Starting from 1 April 2020, funding ration and funding ceiling has increased and related entities are no longer treated as one single entity for the purpose of calculating the cumulative funding amount under the TVP.
- Cumulative funding ceiling per enterprise/organisation: HK$600,000.
- Provide funding for projects on a 3 (Government):1 (enterprise/organisation) matching basis.
- Up to 6 projects per enterprise/organisation.
- 1 application can be submitted at any one time.
- project should be completed within 12 months.
- Technology Consultancy (optional)
- Customised equipment/hardware, software and technological services or solutions (essential part of project)
- Off-the-shelf/readily available equipment/ hardware, software and technological services or solutions (essential part of project; ≤ 50% of total project cost)
- Auditing fee (if approved funding > $50,000; maximum fee: $3,000)
- Enterprises registered in HK under Business Registration Ordinance
- Not a government subvented organisation or its subsidiary
- With substantive business operation in HK at the time of application
- “Shell” company NOT eligible
Please visit for official reference:
I. Productivity / Business Process
- Appointment scheduling and queue management system
- Augmented reality (AR) technologies system
- Big data and cloud-based analytics solution
- Building information modeling (BIM) system
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)
- Clinic management system
- Information security management system
- Document management and mobile access system
- Electronic inventory management system
- Electronic procurement management system
- Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution
- Fleet management system
- Intelligent Robot Applications
- Location based services
- Logistics management system
- POS system
- Product Management System
- Quick response management (QRM) system
- Real-time manufacturing tracking system
- School Management System
- Solutions to facilitate compliance with manufacturing standards
II. Testing and Certification
- Energy management system (ISO 50001)
- Environmental management system (ISO 14001)
- Information security management system (ISO/IEC 27001)
- Testing Solutions for Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM)
III. Environmental Protection
- Energy management system
- Waste management technologies
Normal operating expenses NOT covered
- Rental of premises, staff salary & related expenses.
- General office equipment for normal business operation.
- Maintenance, warranty & insurance of existing and newly purchased equipment.
- Non-technology related professional service fees.
- Marketing and branding, financing expenses.
- Transportation, accommodation, administrative overheads.
Application Procedures
- Open for application all year round.
- Obtain written quotations and probity and noncollusive quotation/tendering certificate from technology service provider(s) and supplier(s).
- Register as user at TVP Funding Administrative System: - Submit applications with necessary support documents through TVP Funding Administrative System.
Required Documents
- Evidence of substantive business operation
- Form 1(a)/1(c) of Business Registration Office or
Form NAR1 of Companies Registry - HKID or passport of signatory of application form
- All relevant quotations and
duly signed Probity and Non-Collusive Quotation/Tendering
Certificate by each bidder/tenderer
Technology Voucher Programme Inquiry

Whether you have a huge budget or just limited resources, no matter what the criteria you have for your project, we are provide the best solution for your business needs. We are happy to provide professional advice on your website development and help start off your business. Give us a call or drop us a note.
Tel / WhatsApp: 6098 6144
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